574.404.PAIN • Fax: 574.333.3200 INFO@CUTTINGEDGEPAIN.COM

Integrative Wellness

Transform the Way You View Your Health.

A Holistic Approach to State-of-the Art Care

Our approach to care seeks to balance the most advanced and innovative pain treatments available today with a deeper understanding of the nature of illness, healing and wellness.

Our patients are the center of our focus as we address the full range of physical, emotional, mental, and social influences impacting their health. This methodology enables our patients to not only experience immediate relief from chronic, severe pain, but most importantly, to stay healthy and well throughout their lives.

One of the core principles of Cutting Edge Integrative Pain Centers is to provide a treatment plan that best addresses your pain — whether those solutions come from within our office or from other trusted providers. For instance, if we believe yoga is the answer to your pain, that’s what we’ll prescribe. At Cutting Edge, we provide diverse treatment options to increase and maintain our patient’s health and wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Integrative Wellness?

A patient-centered focus on using integrative methods/practices to produce a balanced treatment of patients throughout the entire lifecycle of healing. It incorporates the blend of nutritional assessment, diet/supplementation prescriptions, functional muscle treatment paradigms, Tai chi, yoga, acupuncture, gait analysis, meditation and mind/body balance treatments. We delivers this by on-site methods, local partners and virtual resources to be respectful of patient’s demands of their available time and monetary resources.

Why is Integrative Wellness important for me?

Among all of the developed countries globally, the U.S. spends the most per capita on healthcare. However, when it comes to other key health-related metrics, such as life expctancy, we consistently fall short. That’s why we believe in the importance of a patient-centered, personalized and holistic approach to medical care for every single one of our patients, regardless of medical condition.

How long has Integrative Wellness been around?

While many of the individual treatments and practices have been around much, much longer, modern Integrative Wellness practitioners have been researching and modeling this type of care with success for the last four decades. These medical professionals have proven that deploying an integrative approach to healthcare can  dramatically improve outcomes and lead to a higher quality of care at lower overall costs.

What types of conditions does Integrative Wellness treat?

It’s important to remember that Integrative Healthcare is a holistic approach that focuses on the whole patient, rather than one specific condition. Integrative health combines a variety of care measures, including western medicine, eastern medicine, nutrition and advanced medical technology to achieve the best possible results for the patient.

Having said that, this approach has proven efficacy for many patients suffering from a variety of conditions, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Headaches
  • Chronic Pain
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Emotional and Mental Imbalances
  • and many more.

If you are suffering from chronic pain and would like relief from a team that specializes in holistic, personalized care, call Cutting Edge Integrative Pain Centers or book an appointment online.

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About the Doctor

Orlando A. Landrum MD, MBA

Regenerative Medicine and Interventional Pain Specialist

Our Location

Elkhart, IN

3060 Windsor Court