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What is Adjacent Segment Disease and How Does it Occur?

What is Adjacent Segment Disease and How Does it Occur?

These days, spinal fusions are a very common spinal surgery. However, spinal fusions present many challenges for patients in the short-term and long-term, including potentially developing Adjacent Segment Disease (ASD). Those with ASD may experience the same recurring pain they had prior to spinal fusion surgery. Let’s take a look at how this troubling disease occurs. 


Experiencing Any of These Types of Nerve Pain? TMS Can Provide Relief

Experiencing Any of These Types of Nerve Pain? TMS Can Provide Relief

Living with nerve pain is not easy, and due to the constant pain, you may have feelings of hopelessness, anger, or even depression. Experiencing this can cause you to withdraw from the people close to you or stop you from doing the fun activities you used to do. There are multiple types of nerve pain that could lead to worsening symptoms, which is why it is essential to understand the different types and treat them as soon as possible. 
