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What is Cluneal Nerve Entrapment and its Treatments?

What is Cluneal Nerve Entrapment and its Treatments?

The condition known as cluneal nerve entrapment can often be difficult to diagnose. As a result, many people who suffer from lower back or upper buttocks pain have undergone a variety of treatments that fail to alleviate the pain. That’s why we are here to inform you of what the condition is and how you can seek more effective treatment. 


Vertebrogenic Pain: Can I Get Rid of My Lower Back Pain?

Vertebrogenic Pain: Can I Get Rid of My Lower Back Pain?

Millions of people in the US live with chronic lower back pain, making it hard to enjoy life. If you suffer from chronic pain, you can go through the traditional methods of pain management like physical therapy and medications. However, these treatments still don’t achieve long-term treatment. This is because lower back pain often stems from the bones, or vertebrae, causing vertebrogenic pain. If you are experiencing lower back chronic pain, the Intracept Procedure is the key to relief. 


What is Adjacent Segment Disease and How Does it Occur?

What is Adjacent Segment Disease and How Does it Occur?

These days, spinal fusions are a very common spinal surgery. However, spinal fusions present many challenges for patients in the short-term and long-term, including potentially developing Adjacent Segment Disease (ASD). Those with ASD may experience the same recurring pain they had prior to spinal fusion surgery. Let’s take a look at how this troubling disease occurs. 


Vertebroplasty vs Kyphoplasty: Which is Right for You?

Vertebroplasty vs Kyphoplasty: Which is Right for You?

If you suffer from osteoporosis and back pain, you are not alone. However, when untreated and undetected osteoporosis can lead to vertebral compression fractures in the spine. These fractures can be treated with minimally invasive surgical procedures that are designed to stabilize and treat pain. The two most common methods are vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. But what is the difference and which is right for you?


Herniated Disc? Consider Endoscopic Discectomy.

Herniated Disc? Consider Endoscopic Discectomy.

If you are experiencing low back pain caused by a herniated disc, an endoscopic discectomy may be the answer you were looking for. While the name of the procedure may seem frightening, it is actually among the least-invasive procedures that Cutting Edge Integrative Pain Center offers. Compared to traditional surgeries, minimally invasive surgeries such as endoscopic discectomy offer numerous benefits. In this week’s blog, we will discuss the endoscopic discectomy procedure, as well as the benefits it holds in store for patients. (more…)