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The Benefits of Ketamine Infusion Therapy

The Benefits of Ketamine Infusion Therapy

The world of medicine is constantly changing and evolving. Drugs that were once thought to only be useful for one thing have been found to be effective in treating other ailments. One of those drugs that have been found to treat more ailments than the one they were originally created for is ketamine. Originally used as an anesthetic on battlefields and operating rooms, ketamine is now showing promise as a treatment for major depression, neuropathic pain from cancer treatment, and more. Let’s take a deeper look at how ketamine infusion treatments can help those struggling with mental health issues or chronic pain.   (more…)

Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid Arthritis: What’s the Difference?

Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid Arthritis: What’s the Difference?

Arthritis can be a debilitating pain that causes you to miss out on the important things in life. and keeps you from participating in activities that you once enjoyed. As you and your doctor start discussing your diagnosis and treatment options you might notice that there are different types of arthritis and treatments. Two types of arthritis you may hear about are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Let’s look closer at the similarities and differences between osteoarthritis vs rheumatoid arthritis.


The Benefits of Geniculate Artery Embolization for Pain

The Benefits of Geniculate Artery Embolization for Pain

Each year, millions of individuals are diagnosed with arthritis and seek help for the associated pain. Many patients are being told that medication, surgery, and injections are the only options for relief, but that is not true at all. One treatment that has seen success for knee pain, in particular, is geniculate artery embolization. While the name sounds a little scary, this procedure has provided patients with relief without costly, painful surgery. In this blog, we will discuss what geniculate artery embolization is, how it helps alleviate pain, as well as the associated benefits of this procedure.


Vertebroplasty vs Kyphoplasty: Which is Right for You?

Vertebroplasty vs Kyphoplasty: Which is Right for You?

If you suffer from osteoporosis and back pain, you are not alone. However, when untreated and undetected osteoporosis can lead to vertebral compression fractures in the spine. These fractures can be treated with minimally invasive surgical procedures that are designed to stabilize and treat pain. The two most common methods are vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. But what is the difference and which is right for you?


Why Does My Wrist Hurt?

Why Does My Wrist Hurt?

When you think about your wrist, you probably don’t think about the 8 irregularly-shaped bones and over 20 ligaments connecting the arms and fingers. In fact, wrists and hands are so complex that accurately identifying and treating wrist pain can be tricky even for the most skilled pain treatment specialists. So, what’s the solution? Let’s talk about it. 


The Problem With Rotator Cuff Surgery

The Problem With Rotator Cuff Surgery

What is referred to commonly as the rotator cuff is actually a group of muscles and tendons that help to stabilize your shoulder and facilitate movement. Sometimes the tendons in the rotator cuff become inflamed or torn, and this can lead to a number of symptoms including severe pain, weakness, and limited range of motion. (more…)

How Does Prolotherapy Work to Relieve Pain?

How Does Prolotherapy Work to Relieve Pain?

Prolotherapy, also known as regenerative injection therapy or proliferation therapy, is an alternative therapy often used to help repair injuries to connective tissues and joints. The overall goal of prolotherapy is to use the body’s natural healing abilities to provide relief to troubled areas. In this blog, we will discuss how prolotherapy works, treatable conditions, as well if this treatment option is right for you.


The 6 Main Knee Ligaments and How They Work

The 6 Main Knee Ligaments and How They Work

Whether we’re walking or just sitting in a chair, we use our knees more often than we think. The knee is known as a hinge joint which means it is only meant to move in a single direction. This characteristic makes it highly vulnerable to injury. Blows from the sides or front, twists, or movements in the wrong direction can cause stretching or tearing of the knee ligaments. There are six types of ligaments in the knee and understanding the anatomy can help you prevent common knee injuries.


Herniated Disc? Consider Endoscopic Discectomy.

Herniated Disc? Consider Endoscopic Discectomy.

If you are experiencing low back pain caused by a herniated disc, an endoscopic discectomy may be the answer you were looking for. While the name of the procedure may seem frightening, it is actually among the least-invasive procedures that Cutting Edge Integrative Pain Center offers. Compared to traditional surgeries, minimally invasive surgeries such as endoscopic discectomy offer numerous benefits. In this week’s blog, we will discuss the endoscopic discectomy procedure, as well as the benefits it holds in store for patients. (more…)